Wednesday, February 4, 2009

More News from the PCGA

As you probably know by now, the PC Gaming Alliance has just let out some big information within the past couple of days. Capcom, one of the oldest companies in the game biz has joined forces with the PCGA. They have had an active roll bringing their console titles to PC, including Devil May Cry series, Lost Planet, and most recently the hotly anticipated Street Fighter 4.

To me this is a big deal. A large Japanese developer holding firm with the PC platform. I applaud the efforts of Capcom and associates for sanding behind the only true open platform. Good news for PC Gamers everywhere, even if you don’t seem to like their PC offerings. (Holding breath for Dead Rising PC)

In other tidbits, EA announced a new Battlefield: Bad Company and not BF3 like we had all hoped. It will be running on the same engine as the first game. Bullocks I say!

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