Friday, November 28, 2008

Whole Lotta Lovin' (of Game News)

Thanksgiving is over, we've had our fill of turkey and stuffing, so now its time to unload your wallet at your local Best Buy and come home with all these great gifts to save our economy. Well, for me not so much. I'm working. Anyways, there are a lot of things to cover today. Specifically GTA IV and the PC Gaming Alliance.

Well, a good six months after GTA IV for the console'rs was released, the PC folks are hotly anticipating their chance with Niko and Co. Well, maybe after the news drops, PC gamers might think twice. Rockstar games has decided to include SecuROM on their game. This is the same software that pissed off gamers with the launch of Mass Effect and moreso, Spore. With the bad also comes the good. Developers can choose what modules of the SecuROM they want to use with their game, and for GTA IV it looks like its going to be a one time internet activation and a required CD/DVD to play. All in all, its not too intrusive or obnoxious. It still is SecuROM, but at least its not taken to the rediculous extent that EA used in their games. Along with SecuROM, make sure you have room to install Games for Windows Live.

In other news, the PC Gaming Alliance President, Randy Stude was interviewed by PaperRockShotgun. He has some pretty good news as far as the PC platform is concerned. Definately a good read if you are a PC gamer. This tidbit somewhat quells that trembling in my stomach. At least I know that the PCGA is actually doing something rather than just looking for ways to sell hardware. Mr. Stude also said to expect a industry wide "minimum spec" to be released by GDC '09. In related news, Linux binaries have been found with the Left 4 Dead demo. Giving hope that PC Gaming doesn't just mean Windows gaming. I guess WoW on Mac counts too. Again, Valve is the savior of PC Gaming...I swear.

Also, news from Planet Battlefield about our favorite bastard shooter, BF2. Some news on the Battlefield 2 1.50 patch has surfaced. (It seems I was just bitching about that.) Anyways it looks like DICE is trying to implement some security features to prevent douche bags from stat padding and server exploitation. I'm gonna miss Gulf of Oman with Cartillery. HAH! More info as they get near release. Maybe Wired magizine should add the BF2 1.50 patch to their list of vaporware. While they are at it, BF: Heroes too?

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